Anya Arora: Current Honors Program Student Profile
What is your major?
Biology -
Why did you choose to attend UE?
I chose to attend UE because I was impressed by the opportunities and experience provided. -
Why did you choose to participate in the honors program?
I have always loved learning and decided to join the UE Honors Program to surround myself with like-minded students and take on more rigorous coursework. -
What do you enjoy most about the honors program?
I am a member of the Honors Activity Board and value the chance to work with my peers to plan events that bring together the community of UE Honors students. -
What has been your favorite honors class so far and why?
My favorite Honors class has been Biology 119 -- the Honors section had the chance to do a semester-long project in which we isolated and characterized new species of bacteriophage (a type of virus). As part of this lab, I had the chance to visit WKU to participate in microscopy and examine my and my classmates’ bacteriophage. -
What advice would you give future Honors students?
I would advise future UE Honors students to take advantage of all the Honors classes they can and to get involved on campus. -
What are your plans/goals following graduation?
After graduation, I am planning to attend IU School of Medicine in Evansville.
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Office Location
Room 239, Koch Center for Engineering Science